Tuesday, 23 June 2009
I absolutely love reading other people's blogs and posts.
But unfortunately I just don't have the motivation to update my own.
I'm sorry to the people that come here with a hope and expectation of an update but get nothing.
I'm also sorry for neglecting my dear blog.
But I won't be sorry for putting Facebook as my number one priority!!
Anyways, will be away from my computer for a couple of days =[
Have biology camp to attend and then right after that sleepover in church. woo sounds tiring.. hahaha but yeh. wish me luck! =]
And one last thing, I'm going to Adelaide on the 4th - 8th July yay! get to see my aunty and her family again! =] and being photographer for cousin's birthday bash! awesome! so excited. and TA! here I come!!
okay that's all for now =] byebye!
Saturday, 13 June 2009
Life has been fair to me. One bad day leads to a good day after. It's only a matter of taking a deep breath and moving forward. With me I have God to guide me through and great friends to listen to me ramble along. Everything seems to always workout. Even just the little things. I'm absolutely sure it has and always will be God's will.
"Godincidents" I call it. I don't believe in coincidents or fate. But God's perfect timing and graciousness. As long as I trust in Him and put everything in His hands, nothing can go wrong. It might not turn out the way you wanted it to but maybe God wanted to just teach you a lesson. So it is important never to blame God(even if you failed your Economics exam!). Think about it this way, "it's not God it's me"(lol).
I had such a busy week and thankfully, there's always church to look forward to. I don't know how to explain it, but I love attending services and the youth events. No one can ever understand the joy I get when I'm in church. Even when I'm not talking to anyone or involved in any of the activities, just being there gives me a sense of peace and happiness because I know that I'm in the house of God and each person in that room would love me as I am. I can be myself and not be ashamed of my faith. I have friends that make me laugh for no apparent reason and leaders I can trust and look up to. It doesn't matter if I'm slightly weird or uncool nobody cares.
I love you SubiYouth! =]
When Serena is sick of study and wants to procrastinate....
She redecorates!!! =]
Loves her new room!!
Did all by herself! the moving, the cleaning, the decorating and everything!
She's proud of herself =]
Tuesday, 9 June 2009
Friday, 5 June 2009
Serena hasn't eaten for 20 hours.
Man I'm good!
But anyways. This post was dedicated to,
=D yupe
on the 3rd of June 2009. Serena cut her hair short!