We met
We fell in love
The deepest love one could find
The love of sisters
Alike in so many ways
Two peas in a pod
A boat came you hopped on
You promised to come back
I trusted you
Your boat drifted further
I waited longer
My dear where are you now
I lost sight of you
You got caught in the moment
You were dazzled
Further out to sea you went
I still waited
The passer-by's watched as I waited for my love to come back
Day and night I wait at the docks
Hoping to see a glimmer of hope
There's a sparkle
And my heart jumps
"It's just a passing ship" they mock me
They look down on me
Tease me
Tell me you'd never come back
I wept
Cried myself to sleep
Prayed that you'd return home
Safely into my arms
It's getting cold
I shiver
Still waiting for you
A new ship has come
Many nice people on bored
I fall in love once again
I have my moments
Dancing on air
Singing to the wind
Being merry with my lover
My days are spent
Wasting time lying on the grass
Kicking my white polka dot shoes in the air
Picking out funny shapes in the clouds
And taking several hundred pictures of the world around me
But every night
I sneak out to the docks
I linger on the rocks
I whisper to the ocean
Words that can't be spoken
Words that may sound ridiculous
Ridiculous to the passer-by's
Ridiculous to my new lover
Ridiculous to myself even
But these words
Are words of truth
But these words
Are sacred words
These words are only for the wind
The wind that travels to your heart
These words are
Please come home
These words are
You're still me lover
These words are
I'm still in love with you.