Friday, 25 December 2009

Happy Birthday

It's Christmas again.
And so far I think this has been the most memorable Christmas I've ever had!
Thanks to both my family and wonderful friends.
I love you all very much and really hope God will bless you with have many blessings this Christmas.


Today is a very special day
Without today I wouldn't be smiling
The course of history wouldn't have been the same
Happiness wouldn't be as plentiful
And I would not have been saved.
Thank you God, for this day.

Tuesday, 22 December 2009


A night to remember.

Wednesday, 16 December 2009

I love being back because of...


Sunday, 13 December 2009


The one word I can use to describe every second of being back in KL.

The one word I can use to describe the people I have spent my days with.

The one word I can use to describe each memory I have made.

Thank you.
The only thing I can say to God right now.

Is what I'm doing right now.

God thank you for all these things... and more!
Germaine's lameness.
Daphne's friendly and loving self.
Pei Ern's party/sleepover/outing.
Bonding time with my beautiful church friends.
Helping me get through with just 45 minutes of sleep.
Rueann and mag's awesome baking skills.
Min Chun's and Tiffany's driving.
My wonderful family.

The list could go on forever but I'm too tired so Lord just want to say thank you and really want to appreciate what you have given me!

Monday, 7 December 2009

400th Post

I'm so sick of eating!

Welcome home Serena.
Getting fatter by the moment is not something I'm want to be proud of. But I gotta say, the food is GOOD. =D
Only now do I notice that driving in Malaysia is not as easy as it seems! Omg, I swear! The people are insane and so rude. If you're not ferocious, you'll die out there!

Jeff is back! =] but guess what. I left my CF card back in Perth so gotta wait till Wednesday untill mum gets back. What an idiot. Oh well atleast I know he's safe! haha.

It's not hot at all. Infact, it's better than Perth! Only thing is it's humid as!!! Lol.
oh well shall try to "acclimatize" as my dad would say.

Feeling sleepy. Woke up early for areobics! haha, suicidal... I know. But it was worth it! =]
Gonna see my awesome friends tomorrow and celebrate their freedom with them at the much missed MIDVALLEY =D sooo excited. Hope they have new shops and stuff.

IOI Mall looks pretty now. Had very awesome Penang food there just then. Now I'm getting sleepy. Can't sleep! Don't want to get fat! Hahaha, hmmm I wonder what's for dinner? hahaha

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