"Happy birthday Serena!" came the many wishes from people. It made me happy, it made me smile, it made me curious and ever so thankful for them to remember. So I'm not invisible after all! What a relief to know that people do care and that they're still and always will be my friends!
Many thanks to everyone of the people who wished me happy birthday! The people who wrote me a post on their blogs! The people who bought me presents! Made me a card! Tried to hide my present from me! Took me out for dinner! Made me a last minute cake! Wrote me an email! Sent me a message! Gave me a comment! Came to visit from Malaysia! Hmm what else. Oh yeah! Answered my prayer! Thank you so much! All of you! Seriously! You guys really made my day! From completely saddening to happy tear drop ending!
I love you all back in Malaysia and also you guys here in Perth. I really can't thank you enough for making me laugh so hard I cried, and cried so hard I smiled. Hehehe ='] Love you guys loads and really thank God I have you! Muah!
Ps: When I say guys it also includes family and god mother too!! Thank you Aunty Joan!!! =D